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Titan TWC-A04 Water Cooling System - Page 5 of 5
Posted: July 22, 2004
Author: Jason Kohrs
Manufacturer: Titan
Source: Titan

The GPU was put through a similar set of tests, and the Titan TWC-A04 GPU block was now put head-to-head with the Evercool VC-RE Twinkling VGA cooler. The video card in question does not have an onboard thermal sensor, so the digital thermometer provided by was utilized. By sticking the sensor to the side of the GPU, overlapping onto the waterblock, reasonably accurate temperatures should be acquired, and the differential in temperatures will confirm any performance gains over the VC-RE.

The idle portion of the testing occurred simultaneously with the CPU idle testing, and results were recorded. For the full load testing, 3DMark03 was run continuously, with results monitored on the thermometer for one hour. The graph below compares the idle and load results of the GPU with the two coolers installed.

The Titan TWC-A04 GPU performance was able to hang with the VC-RE, which had previously won my praise for its excellent temperatures. The Titan manages to do so with zero added noise, as the VC-RE fan does create a bit of a buzz, and after several months of use has develop a bit of unbalance at startup. What no doubt helps the GPU water block is the fact that the secondary radiator is just upstream from it, removing the heat from the CPU, and providing an extra boost of cooling to keep the video card temperatures low.

Overall, the thermal results might not rate at the top of the list when compared to some of the serious enthusiast water cooling kits, but the design is solid and provides respectable results.


The Titan TWC-A04 Water Cooling System is just a few final touches away from being a highly recommended product. Overall, I am very impressed with the fit, the finish, the performance, and the attention to detail on things like the water block bases, the secondary radiator, and the ease of use in or out of a case. In general, the components impress with their appearance, and their performance doesn't suffer for it.

There are two exceptions to my good feelings towards this product that I think could be cheap 'fixes' by Titan that would really make this kit shine. The tubing just seems to be of low quality to me... It is soft, easily kinked, and shows signs that it is not elastic enough to bounce back from the kinking (the white marks mentioned). If handled with care, the tubing can functional well, as the fittings pre-installed are a very welcome touch. But, on the other hand, even good tubing is relatively cheap, and I think Titan could easily offer something a bit more robust.

The other negative I have is in regards to the pump's strength. The instances where I saw zero water flowing, with air pockets of several inches in length makes me wonder if it can generate adequate pressure. Shaking the water blocks, tapping the tubing, elevating the reservoir, and even squeezing the tubing to simulate a pump did nothing to break up these pockets. It was a matter of time before the system worked the air out on its own, and that is unlike my experience with other water cooling systems. Perhaps this was an isolated incident related to a slightly defective pump, but fortunately it only happened when starting up for the first time after filling. So with some patience and understanding of what to expect, it shouldn't be a persistent issue.

One thing that I can not comment on, and that usually can weigh heavily on a review, is price. I do not know anything about its availablity in the US or how much it might cost. Comparing it to other systems I have seen, I would speculate that it might be in the $140-$180 (and if anyone finds one online, let me know so I can see how well I guessed).

Thanks to its impressive design, easy installation, attractive appearance, and potential to be a solid water cooling setup, I award the Titan TWC-A04 Water Cooling System four out of five stars... "Recommended".

Final Rating (4 out of 5 stars):


• Can operate at very low noise levels
• Flexibility for use inside or outside of computer case
• Mirror finish on water blocks
• Very attractive finishing touches
• Easy installation thanks to the design, manual, and labeling of every component
• Secondary radiator is a nice touch
• Flexibility to cool Intel P3, P4 and AMD K7, K8 processors, as well as most standard VGA cards
• Threaded tube fittings are easy to use, and provide a secure seal


• Tubes are soft and prone to kinks
• Pump doesn't seem to be very strong
• Not recommended for serious overclocking

Special thanks to Titan for providing the TWC-A04 Water Cooling System to BigBruin.Com for review!

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