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EwinRacing E-WIN 2.0 Edition RGB Gaming Desk
Author: Jason Kohrs
Manufacturer: EwinRacing
Source: EwinRacing
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October 28, 2021

Over the last few years we have looked at a couple of gaming chairs from EwinRacing (one and two), and they are both still in use on a daily basis and we are still quite pleased with them. We were recently contacted about checking out something a little different, one of their RGB gaming desks, the E-WIN 2.0 Edition RGB Gaming Desk.

This gaming desk is really a bit more like a table with a 48"x26" top surface that is covered in a carbon fiber looking finish. The metal legs and the side of the table top are accented with LED lighting that can all be controlled by a touch panel found on the right hand side of the desk. Add in a few practical accessories like a cup holder, and you should have something ready to accompany one of their chairs for an extended gaming session.

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Typically we share a list of the top features and specifications for a product at about this point in the review, but here I am just going to point you to the product listing on their website. You can see a variety of the cool features, as well as details on size and weight capacity.

Packaging and Accessories:

The box showed up in good shape, and considering just how large it is, I was happy to see that. At over 60 pounds and four feet long by two and a half feet wide, I struggled with it a bit, and I'm more impressed with our female FedEx driver who seems to handle such packages with ease. That said, the box provides minimal details on what is inside, and some monochrome sketches don't do the desk justice. INside the box we find all of the components neatly arranged waiting for you to put them together.

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While there aren't really accessories included with the desk, you do get a sleeve of all the hardware you need, as well as an instruction booklet. After skimming the instructions before starting I was concerned, as the text was not very helpful, and the images didn't seem to be all that useful either. As I would go through the assembly I would find that not only were the instructions a bit too light or poorly worded, but often just incorrect. For example, the text seems to imply this is a sit/stand desk with the confusing paragraph about the desk being able to "lift up by itself" (see the below left image), while the instructions showing how to attach the cup holder isn't anywhere close to being an accurate depiction of how you can do this (see the below right image).

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