Benchmarking (continued):
• AquaMark3:
Aquamark is a standard benchmark for testing the gaming capabilities of video cards. According to their site... "AquaMark3 is a powerful tool to determine reliable information about the gaming performance of a computer system. Because the benchmark extensively utilizes DirectX9, DirectX8 and DirectX7 functionality, it represents the requirements of typical gaming applications in 2003 and 2004." The GFX portion of the score is presented below and show that the V3XT was able to beat the MX440 by a good margin and came fairly close to the results of the FX5700 OC (higher is better).

• 3DMark05:
3DMark05 is the latest in the series of video benchmarks created by FutureMark. It is a serious test for even the most modern cards and puts some serious stress on a card as it tries to get through it. The results, presented in unitless "Marks", are shown below and show that the V3XT beats the MX440 by the simple fact that the MX440 failed to run it at all. DirectX 9 and Shader Model 2.0 support are required, things the MX440 lacks (higher is better)...

• 3DMark03:
Futuremark's 3DMark03 is the predecessor of 3DMark05, and is a common video system benchmark used to analyze gaming performance. According to the Futuremark website... "The high quality game tests, image quality tests, sound tests and others give you an extremely accurate overview of your system’s current gaming performance." The results, presented in unitless "Marks", are shown below and show that the V3XT is a great upgrade over the MX440, but can't hang with the other two cards (higher is better)...

• 3DMark 2001SE:
3DMark 2001SE is by far the oldest benchmark being run, but I felt it was appropriate to include the full suite of 3DMark tests. It provides a good gauge of DirectX 8 performance, and as you can see by the results below, the V3XT is by far the weakest of the lot, even getting beat by the MX440 (higher is better).

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