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Cooler Master Centurion 532 Case Give-Away

The Cooler Master Centurion 532 Case was just reviewed here at After reading this review, don’t you want to own a Centurion 532 yourself? Here is a chance for you to obtain one for FREE! Cooler Master and Big Bruin are teaming up to bring you a giveaway in March and this is a great opportunity to win this case! Please read the details below to find out how to win:

The contest involves a scavenger hunt to find words on the forum that when placed in the proper order create an expression found on the Cooler Master home page.

Use the Forum search function to look for clues. And when I say look for look clues, look for "Cooler Master Clue" to lead you to the seven words you will need to complete the expression. Using the hints above and proper searching technique should make finding the seven words fairly easy. You will know when you have found a clue word because they are all bold in a gradient of blue, like this.

Once you have all seven words, you need to arrange them so that a dash fits into the expression like this:

___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (basically, two words dash five words).

The Rules:

In order to win, you must be a forum member of the Big Bruin and Cooler Master forums. Email your answer to with the subject "Cooler Master Centurion 532 Giveaway". Don't forget to include your user names from both forums, your real name, shipping address, and phone number.

Contest will end on March 31, 2006, 11:59 p.m. PST. We will announce the winner on Monday, April 3, 2006.

If more than 1 person gets the correct answer, we will ramdomly pick one to win.

If nobody get the answers correct, we will pick one person who gets the answer most correct to win the prize.

E-mail addresses may be used for future promotion. All information will solely be used for marketing purposes and will never be disclosed to a third party.

Sorry, this contest is open to North American participants only, and shipping is included.

Any questions, please feel free to ask in this thread.

All decisions are final and at the discretion of Big Bruin and Cooler Master.

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