"Optical is obsolete". That's a strong statement to make, and there it is printed on the box of the new Logitech MX1000 mouse. Coming from one of the biggest names in optical mice, one must assume that they have something special in order to back it up. What Logitech intends to use to kill off optical mice is laser technology from Agilent Technologies capable of providing twenty times the tracking power of optical mice! In addition to this new laser technology, the Logitech MX1000 mouse incorporates features such as RF wireless connectivity and a rechargable Lithium Ion battery housed in the ergonomic body pictured in the image below.

Features (from the Jab-tech website):
• Rapid-charging base station makes sure the mouse is always ready, and the lithium-ion battery never needs replacing.
• Cordless performance that equals USB corded connection
• Deep-sculpted thumb support for incredible comfort, and outside finger grips for enhanced control
• Precisely monitor battery strength
• Wheel tilts for side-to-side scrolling, Cruise Control rocker for speed-scrolling up and down, and zoom with a click of the wheel
• Universal page forward and back, plus an application switch that quickly moves between open windows
"Now optical is obsolete. And your computing experience will never be the same. Featuring the Logitech MX Laser Engine, the MX1000 delivers a new pinnacle of performance no optical mouse can match. With an incredible 20x more sensitivity to surface detail—or tracking power—than optical, laser can track reliably even on tricky polished or wood-grain surfaces. And the MX1000 offers even more advanced features that will make you more productive and more comfortable."
Some of the assertions found in the published features above seem fairly bold, and hopefully it is not just marketing hype. Always ready? Battery never needs replacing? Performance that equals USB corded connection? I hope so, but we'll see.
The Hardware:
The Logitech MX1000 arrived from Jab-tech in the eye catching box shown below. The front of the box has the mouse prominently displayed in the center of a pearlescent cut out and the back of the box details many of the MX1000's exciting features.

The image below shows all of the items included in the box. Clockwise from the top we have: The installation CD, manual and other documents, the MX1000 mouse, an AC power adaptor, and the base station with USB cable and USB to PS2 adaptor.

One of the documents included is a double sided poster that unfolds to reveal simple step-by-step installation instructions on on side, and tips for operation on the other side.

The below left image shows the side of the MX1000, and a few of its interesting features. The mouse itself has a stylish, contoured shape that has a few buttons in addition to what you would find on a typical mouse. Just above the area where your thumb would rest are three of these extra buttons. The middle is the Application Switch button, which when pressed pops up a small window that shows the title and icon for whatever programs are running. You can then select one of these programs and the screen will switch to it, much like clicking ALT+TAB does. The other buttons do not have functions in all applications, but the forard and backward arrow can be programmed in the software (detailed later).

The above right image shows the front of the mouse, where the left an right buttons flank a scroll wheel, and two more forward and backward arrows. The arrow buttons allow for rapid scrolling up and down, while the scroll wheel allows for the typical scrolling action, as well as doubling as a third mouse button. But, the scroll wheel doesn't just move in one plane... Tipping the wheel side to side allows for scrolling left or right, which can be very useful for graphics applications, for example.
The images below provide a look at the bottom of the mouse, which has a few interesting features of its own. The Class-1 laser is located at the center of the white circle, which is located off to one side of the mouse's body. The below right image also shows details of the power switch, reset button, and two brass contacts used for charging the mouse. The power switch is not necessary in day-to-day desktop use as the mouse goes to sleep after a period of inactivity, but it may be a nice feature for those who intend to travel with the mouse and don't want it active unnecessarily.

The base station is shown in the images below. The base serves the purposes of charging the mouse, communicating between the computer and the mouse, and providing a storage location for the mouse when not in use. The base unit features its own reset switch on the front, and on the back it has a plug for the AC adaptor and a hard wired USB cable.

The unit is compact, and stylish (for what it is worth), and compliments the mouse's style nicely. The mouse slips into the base easily, and begins charging instantly, if necessary. As shown in the below left image, the three LEDs on the side of the mouse indicate the battery charge level in a subtle green glow. When in operation the lights stay on during initial activity, but eventually turn off, which has to be helpful in conserving battery life.

The above right image is included to show a size reference for the MX1000 mouse. The Logitech MX300 is shown to its right, and it is obvious that the MX1000 is physically a good deal larger.
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