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Logisys Silver Phantom Case - Page 1 of 2
Posted: December 07, 2004
Author: Hellfire
Manufacturer: Logisys Computer
Source: Logisys Computer
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For many years, all computer cases looked pretty much the same, and came in one color... Beige! Then people got tired of having the same old boring case, and started to modify those cases. Today you can get computer cases in dozens of colors, finishes, and styles, even the big-name pre-configured manufacturers like Dell and Gateway are starting to offer gaming cases. Today I will be looking at one of Logisys Computer's cases, the Phantom.

Specifications (taken from Logisys Computer website):

"The Phantom case features innovative phantom style engraved acrylic window with lit-up LED. This comes with an ATX 480watts power supply. The LED lights were wired and built in the side window to light up the phantom pattern, which makes the case stand out from these metal-cut side window cases on the market. The front panel was elegantly designed. The light can go through air filter to brighten the front panel. The power and reset buttons are also lit up with LED, which integrated with the whole phantom theme design on the case."

• Dimension: 200mm(W) x 440mm(H) x 500mm(D) = 7.9" x 17.3" x 19.8"
• Max. Motherboard size: 12" x 10"
• 4 open 5.25" drive bays
• 2 open 3.5" drive bays
• 4 hidden 3.5" drive bays
• A total of 10 drive bays
• Built in 2 front USB 2.0 + Audio Output
• Back Mounted 120mm Clear Fan and 80mm Side Clear Fan. Also, a blade fan grill is included
• UV Interactive Acrylic Side Window
• Special Designed Shutter Style Air Exit for better and silent performance
• This case comes with an ATX 480watts power supply
• Toolless Thumb Screws

They advertise that this case comes with a 480W power supply. The review sample did not include the power supply, so that will not be taken into account.


The retail box is packed into a plain cardboard box jammed full with styrofoam peanuts to protect the case and box.
The retail box gives you all the necessary information, such as the model, size, and color of the case.

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Inside the retail box the case is sealed in a plastic bag and well padded with large plastic foam pieces (not the hard rigid styrofoam). Packing the case in the plastic foam helps keep the size of the retail box down, as it cushions the case when it moves, instead of just restricting it's movement.

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There was no visible damage to the case from shipping. As seen in the image below, I received the Silver Phantom case, which is also available in red, black, and blue.

Looking at the front of the case, you can see a big V design on the drive bay door, an oversize power button, metal mesh cover, and a little USB/Headphone door at the bottom.

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First, let's look at the drive bay door. It's very sturdy and doesn't flop open. You have to want to open it, for it to open. The big V design is part of the overall look of the case. When the power is on, it lights up! Since there is a light on the front of the door cover, it has to have power. The backside of the door is a solid piece that covers all the connections. This is what helps give the door it's sturdy feel. My Raidmax Scorpio case has a big Z that lights up on the front as well. The difference is how they look lit up. The Scorpio case is very bright, and is just a light. The light on the Phantom case looks very sinister and creepy in the dark. Here you can see how it looks in the light and the dark. These pictures don't really do it justice!

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Next, there is the oversize power button that sits between the black metal mesh grills. It also lights up, in the same color as the drive bay door. The metal mesh grills are one of the first points of disappointment for me. While its nice, and provides a great deal of fresh air, it also means there will be more dust in your case, and if you have any animals around, lots of fur and hair. Granted all cases have some kind of front opening, if they allow for a fan in the front, but the amount of opening this one provides will be a sore point if you want to try keeping the dust to a minimum.

Finally on the front of the case is a familiar door that covers the USB and Headphone connections. This case not only provides two USB connections, but also a place to put in a firewire connection. Unfortunately this connection is not provided, so you will need to put in your own connector if you want to use it.

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On the side of the case, the first thing that stands out is the windowed panel. Like many new cases, it has a big window that has been etched to resemble a sideways V. Also found on the side panel is an 80mm fan protected by a "blade" fan grill. It's a nice addition and can be changed if you want, as I didn't feel it really fit with the style of this case. The etching on the side is a big sideways V, which could look like a big arrowhead, and the front of the case has a big V on the door. Where does the Blade grill come in? Perhaps a phantom of the opera mask (since they use that on their site) grill cover would be more appropriate.

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Since it is nicely etched, you will want to show that off with some light. Most companies will install a LED fan for you by default. Logisys took that into consideration, and added some light to the case for you! Logisys went one step further and put in not only a LED fan, but also four other LED's in the corners of the window. This is their UV Interactive Acrylic side window. The LED's provide more than ample light to light up the window etching. Installing UV cables inside this case, would also enhance the look of the case, as these were bright UV lights.

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