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Thermaltake Level 10 Mouse
Author: Steven Kean
Manufacturer: Thermaltake
Source: Thermaltake
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January 04, 2013

The Basics:

This version of the Level 10 mouse has a black and silver color scheme, which gives it a very rich and distinquished look. There is a 5' 10" cord that is fully wrapped in a fabric mesh that can be wound up and held in place by a Velcro strap.

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The cable is held in place with a little tension bracket, which will help keep the wires from becoming loose inside the mouse. While this doesn't happen often, this little extra shows Thermaltake cares about the small details. The front half of the mouse has the common two buttons with a scroll wheel that acts as a third button. The scroll wheel is a click type wheel so it doesn't scroll smoothly; thankfully I prefer this type of scroll wheel. There is also some texture applied to the wheel to help make it easier to scroll. The left button has a little indicator that lights up, while the right button has the DPI indicator. On the body of the mouse, just behind the left button, are the ventilation holes. While there is no fan to actively move air, the holes do allow for some airflow.

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The back half of the mouse, which is where the palm of your hand rests has a few features worth noting. First, right in the middle is the vertical adjustment for the 3D Axis movement, it is labeled with directional arrows for Up and Down. On the bottom edge is a scale for the horizontal adjustment, going from -5 degrees to 5 degrees.

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Thermaltake wants to make sure nothing is left to chance when transporting the mouse. They have included a rubber cap for the USB connector, which is attached to the cable so it won't be lost.

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The bottom of the mouse is all aluminum, and has four Teflon pads to allow it to glide across any surface. I hope there are replacement pads available for this mouse as they do tend to wear down.

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The aluminum base continues up the side of the Level 10 mouse, where we find various additional buttons. On the left side of the mouse are the two main buttons that typically represent forward and back. In addition there is the Z stick which is a 4-way joystick and a button. On the right side of the mouse there are two additional buttons. While taking a look at the mouse in the profile view, under the hand rest we can see the vertical 3D Axis housing, while on the right side we can see the horizontal adjustment screw.

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