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Tt eSports Challenger Pro Keyboard
Author: Steven Kean
Manufacturer: Tt eSports
Source: Thermaltake
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January 18, 2011


If you type by touch, and have an older keyboard, it will take a little time to get used to the Tt eSports Challenger Pro keyboard due to its unique layout. However, once you get familiar with it, it may be one of the best keyboards to have. The low profile keys are very quiet, and do not need to be pressed very hard for them to respond. The macro keys are conveniently placed on the sides of the keyboard so they can be quickly accessed in the heat of a game or during other more mundane activities. The other keys can easily be found by touch once comfortable with the keyboard.

The software interface is very basic, however that is a good thing as it won't overwhelm anybody, and it allows the keyboard to be configured quickly. While the Challenger Pro is classified as a "Gaming Keyboard" you can use its macro capabilities for any application. I was able to easily set up a macro for some common tasks in Photoshop and for filling out forms.

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The weak fan is the only physical downside to the Challenger Pro, as it is more of a gimmick than a useful feature. This could be fixed by Tt eSports by either including a more powerful fan or perhaps a second fan. The idea of a fan is innovative, and leads me to wonder what other things they could use the fan power port for. Perhaps something like an LED light bar to provide lighting in addition to the back lit keys.

The biggest issue with the Challenger Pro is the macro software. For many, a 10 character limitation might not be a big deal. However, if you want to program something like a signature, or a greeting when you enter a game you will have problems. For example, in World of Warcraft you might want to announce your presence to your guild: /gu Greetings everybody! That would be 25 characters plus the enter key - too many characters for the Challenger Pro, and you can't use the Enter key anyway. However, other macro gaming keyboards such as Logitech's G15 do not have these limitations

Tt eSports lists a retail price of $79.99 for the Chellenger Pro keyboard, which is about in the middle of the road when shopping at some of your traditional online outlets. lists it for $69.99, while the shopping engine finds it for $80.99 at At any of these prices, the Tt eSports Challenger Pro keyboard is worth it.

In the end, the Tt eSports Challenger Pro keyboard has all that it takes and then some to win the "Gaming Approved" award.

Gaming Approved


» Very responsive
» Red Back lit keys can be turned off
» Includes replacement red keys for movement keys (arrows, W, A, S, D)
» Macro capable


» Fan is about useless as it moves very little air
» Keyboard layout takes a little getting used to
» Macro entry limited to 10 characters and no Enter key
» No ergonomic version

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