Testing (continued):
Lavalys Everest Ultimate Edition 5.30.1900:
Lavalys' Everest Ultimate Edition provides four sets of results related to system memory; including read speed (in MB/s), write speed (in MB/s), copy speed (in MB/s), and latency (in ns). Higher values are better for read, write, and copy, while lower values are better for latency.
The first chart shows the memory read testing results, where the Patriot kit comes in at 865MB/s faster than the Crucial kit. Compared to some of the previous benchmarks, we are finally seeing a bit more of a gap between the two kits.
The chart below shows the results achieved for memory write testing, where the 1800MHz Patriot kit scores 1106 MB/s higher than the 1600MHz Crucial kit. When overclocked the difference grows to 1368MB/s.
The memory copy results follow a similar pattern seen in the first two tests from this benchmark.
In the latency testing we see a clear advantage to the Patriot Memory kit. Despite the looser timings, the higher frequency helps the Viper II Sector 7 kit beat the Crucial kit by an impressive 10ms.