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Evercool Venti Heatpipe CPU Cooler
Author: Richard Jackson
Manufacturer: Evercool
Source: Evercool
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September 28, 2014


The Evercool Venti heatpipe CPU cooler left me quite surprised at the end of this review. Matched up against bigger, beefier, and more expensive heatpipe coolers I felt that it didn't have a chance to compete. I was wrong, as the test results show that it is able to cool off the CPU about as well as some other coolers on hand from NZXT and Noctua. Apparently bigger isn't always better, and a more modestly sized heatpipe cooler such as this can offer users high performance cooling in smaller spaces.

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The downsides with this cooler include the installation process and the noise production. Most people only install a cooler once in a blue moon, so taking the time to work through the process won't be a regularly scheduled issue to deal with. But, there are plenty of small pieces and the installation instructions leave a good deal to be desired. I also don't particularly care for the universal motherboard backplate as it seemed to bring uninsulated steel very close to the electronics on the motherboard. While the noise from the fan isn't the worst I have heard, it is quite noticeable at full speed. PWM control found in most modern motherboards should curb that, and still allow you to run at reasonable temperatures.

While the noise production and the installation initially tempered my excitement on this cooler, seeing the price changed my mind on it again. At $29.99 from, the Evercool Venti is definitely a deal. If your motherboard didn't have PWM based fan speed control to drop the noise, you could pick up a cheap fan controller and still have a solid performing cooler for a very reasonable price.

In the end, the price definitely adds some appeal to the Evercool Venti heatpipe CPU cooler. The performance is respectable, and with such a low price it earns the "Recommended" and "Good Value" awards.

Recommended Good Value


» Respectable cooling
» Budget friendly price


» Fan is a bit noisy at full speed
» Installation issues:
   » Requires many little pieces and a good deal of assembly
   » Manual leaves much to be desired to adequately detail installation process
   » CPU mounting backplate has lots of metal touching motherboard

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