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CES 2010 - Digital Experience
Author: Steven Kean
Manufacturer: CES
Source: CES
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January 08, 2010

Pepcom's Digital Experience brings together companies from all areas of electronics. At this event there are presentations for batteries, storage devices, cellular phones, media controllers, 3D TVs, and even vehicles. While it won't be possible to cover all of these areas, we will look at several that stood out.

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3D TV:

While it is impossible to show you the new 3D features, there were many demonstrations of new technologies. Some used custom screens, others would allow use of current 1080P 120mhz or better LCDs, using special glasses.

Gunner is a manufacturer of computer glasses. These include 3D glasses and digital performance glasses. The digital performance glasses are designed to reduce eye strain when looking at computer screens. While wearing the glasses for a few minutes, I was able to see a difference in the screen. However, what that difference means over a long period, I can't honestly say for myself. The glasses on the left are Gunnar's 3D glasses, while the glasses on the right are their digital performance glasses.

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Wireless Charging:

While many people are aware of Powermat's wireless charging devices, they are not the only option. Several other wireless charging devices were shown at Digital Experience.

Duracell was demonstrating a wireless charging mat that uses different technology to charge devices. Their charging pad will charge up to four devices. Each device will need either a skin with contacts on the back side, or an add-on pad to provide the contacts.

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Pure Energy Solutions has a larger charging device. This uses the same technology that Duracell uses, however instead of a plain charging pad, they have taken it a step further. The charging station on the left is an alarm clock as well as a charging pad. The pad on the right has stations for other devices like a battery charger, and a place to put your laptop to use a charging dongle on the pad. Pure Energy Solutions also has a portable charging device that charges on these pads. Take it off and it includes a mini pad to charge a device on the go.

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