Testing (continued):
Windows 7 Experience:
Windows 7 includes a utility to analyze the performance of a few system components, and we will consider each test included in the suite. Higher is better for these values, and the highest possible score is 7.9.
First we have the results for the processor, and by simply moving from the Gigabyte board to the ASUS board, Windows 7 is just slightly less impressed. But, with the overclock applied, the score surges to 7.7.
An impressive 7.8 across the board for Gaming Graphics.
Desktop Graphics also ends up as a three way tie at 7.8.
As with the processor, Windows 7 is one tenth of a point less impressed with the ASUS board as compared to the Gigabyte board.
In the last screenshot we see the Primary Hard Disk results, where you can see that 3GBps or 6Gbps, the scores are all a low 5.9. SSDs are the way to score high on this test.