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Lian Li PC-C36 Muse HTPC Case
Author: acruxksa
Manufacturer: Lian Li
Source: Lian Li
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Lian Li PC-C36 Muse HTPC Case
February 09, 2009


The installation of an Asus P5N7A-VM motherboard, Seagate 320GB hard disk drive, and an LG Blu-ray drive was smooth with only one exception, which I will mention in a moment. The case standoffs are tall enough that I was able to run the 4 pin 12VATX connector and the front panel USB and Audio connectors under the motherboard to help keep the installation as clean as possible. The tape job isn't pretty, but its primary purpose was to hold the wires down to keep them from getting pinched when the motherboard was installed. This helps with air movement and ventilation in the case.

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Another option would be to secure them along the bottom of the link bar. If you intend to use the optical drive bay and the hard disk drive bay below it, these should be the first components installed in the case because it's much easier to get them in with the power supply removed. Once the drive cage was installed, I slid the power supply into place, but did not secure it.

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At this point I installed the motherboard and hooked up everything but the SATA and power connections to the optical drive and the hard disk drive.

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Installation of the hard disk drive using the included screws and shock absorbers is pictured below. The left image shows how the hardware goes together and the image on the right shows where the rubber grommets fit into the drive cage. They are just for demonstration. To install a hard drive you would put the four grommets in the drive cage, insert the hard disk drive and then secure it with screws through the rubber absorbers.

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Once the drive is secured in the drive cage it can be installed in the case relatively easily. The bottom left picture shows the case without the drive cage, you can see the two L shaped slots where one end of the cage slides into place on the link bar. The image on the right shows me installing the drive cage into the link bar. This picture also gives you a good view of how the rubber vibration dampers look when installed.

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