The retail box for the Antec Fusion Media Center Case looks very nice, in a Windows Vista way. On the front of the box there is a huge image of the front of the case, the statement that the product is a "Quiet Media Center Case", and some text letting you know there is a 430W power supply included. The back of the box lists some features and specifications in many languages, and it also shows a sneak peak of the case with the top cover removed, revealing the "triple chamber structure".

The case is well packed inside the cardboard box in the typical plastic bag and Styrofoam inserts.

External Examination:
The front of the Antec Fusion Media Center Case looks like a component in a higher end home theater system.
From the top left to lower right we see a VFD (vacuum fluorescent display), stealth optical drive cover, inputs for Firewire, USB, and audio, a huge volume knob, a disk activity LED, a reset button, and a power button. Moving to the left side of the case, we see some ventilation holes around the included 430W power supply.

The volume knob connects to a USB header on the motherboard. The included CD installs a driver so it controls the volume, and no additional software is needed. It works well, but the knob does not have a start or stop point , and it will keep turning regardless of the volume level (which goes from 0 to 25).