Icy Dock MB122SKGF-1B and MB722SKGF-B Drive Enclosures
The installation of the two enclosures should be pretty smooth and easy. For the installation I used an Enermax Chakra case, which has three tool-less 5.25" bays. The first thing that needs to be done is to install hard drives into the enclosures. Here are the enclosures with the removable hard drive trays pulled out a little.

The MB122 tray's top cover slides off easily and there is just enough space for a hard drive. Inside there are some screws, keys, and hard drive activity wire. I used a Hitachi 80GB SATA II drive which had just enough clearance in the tray. The drive is secured into the tray with four screws from the bottom of the hard drive.

The MB722 tray has the same easy sliding cover, but has much more room inside. Included are the same keys, screws, and a hard drive activity wire. For this enclosure I used a Maxtor Diamondmax 10 300GB SATA I hard drive. As expected, there is close to an inch between the hard drive and the front of the tray. The drive is secured just like the MB122 with screws from the bottom of the drive.

The hard drives installed very easily into their removable trays. Here are the trays stacked to show the difference in the length.

The enclosures installed easily into open 5.25" bays with tool-less clips to secure them into place. With the back of the enclosures lined up you can see the MB722 hangs out a little more because of its extra length. The enclosures look great in the Enermax Chakra and look almost like they came with the case. Even though the MB122 (top) says Serial ATA, the MB722 (bottom) is also Serial ATA.
