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OCZ Technology 600W EvoStream Modular SLI Power Supply
Author: Hellfire
Manufacturer: OCZ Technology
Source: OCZ Technology
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OCZ Technology 600W EvoStream Modular SLI Power Supply
December 12, 2006

Modular Cables:

As mentioned previously, the modular cables are in a separate box that was resting on the power supply chassis. This box looks quite similar to the bigger box. The difference is the big box focused more on the details of the power supply, while this box focuses on the cables. The top of the box gives you a picture of each of the cables and lists the quantity of the cables.

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Removing the cables from the box, I found three separate bundles of cables. Each one of these bundles is for a specific purpose. On the left we have SATA and PCI-Express, in the middle standard 4-pin Molex, and finally motherboard power cables. Every one of the cables is wrapped in the same manner, which includes a wire mesh wrapping surrounded by a plastic shell. Each of the ends have been tapered with heat shrink tubing to give it a finished look. Lets take a look at each of these bundles and see how these cables are put together.

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First, let's take a look at the motherboard power bundle. The main motherboard power connector has a 24-pin power connection at the end that plugs into the power supply, while the other end is a 20+4 connector. The 4-pin portion slides onto the 20-pin part and stays in place rather well so you can get it plugged into your motherboard easily. The auxiliary power is also a dual purpose cable, with an 8-pin connector for the power supply side and the motherboard side is made up of two 4-pin pieces that connect to form an 8-pin connector. These two pieces also slide together and stay connected well. It would be helpful if the piece used for 4-pin motherboards would have been marked, as it could save some time.

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Next we have the SATA and PCI-E bundle. As you can see here, OCZ has provided you with a total of four SATA connectors on two separate cables. In addition, you have two PCI-E cables. While two PCI-E cables is sufficient for most, the newest nVidia video cards are requiring two PCI-E connectors, so if you have two of these new video cards you need four PCI-E cables to run in SLI mode. Each of the ends of these cables are similar, they are both 6-pin power connectors for the power supply side. The difference is their color, one is opaque, while the other is solid white. You need to match the ends with the correct plugs on the PSU.

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Finally we have the standard Molex cables. As you can see here, you have many more Molex connectors than you do SATA connectors. In fact, you have a total of seven 4-pin Molex connectors on four cables. You have two cables that give you two 4-pin connections, one cable for a single connection, and finally one cable with one Molex connection and one floppy connection.

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