External Examination:
Opening the box, I found the power supply and modular cables are packaged in separate brown heavy duty cardboard boxes. The unit is well packaged in heavy duty bubble wrap and a cardboard sleeve. With all packaging materials removed, the first thing I noticed is that both sides of the power supply have the Galaxy logo painted in white. It boldly stands out against the black finish of the power supply. On the bottom of the power supply you can see the 135mm fan, which is protected by a gold fan grill.

Moving to the top of the power supply, you have the standard power rating sticker. This is a nice place for it, since in many systems it will be hidden. As you can see, the five 12V+ rails are rated for 17A each, and a total of 900W.

On the back of the unit you will find several items that should look familiar. You have an 80mm exhaust fan, a large hard power switch, and the required power cable connection. In addition to these, there are two other items of interest. The first is the tri-color LED, which will be orange, green, or red, depending on the status of the power supply. The little red button is used to temporarily deactivate the internal buzzer. This is by far the best idea I have seen. Many power supplies have been integrating the LED status, however that requires you to check the back of your computer. The inclusion of the buzzer will alert you if there is an issue without having to check the back!

On the front of the unit you will find the hard wired power cables, as well as the modular connections. Looking at the hard wired cables you can see they are nicely wrapped, which is carried all the way into the power supply housing. The port where they come out has a plastic ring on it to ensure that your cables won't be cut or frayed by the case. This is a very clean exit point for the cables. Even the tie to keep the cables together is totally within the case.

Here we also have the modular portion of the power supply. There are a limited number of power connections that are hard wired, and Enermax has chosen to allow you to choose what power connections you need more of by using a modular system. With this system, you can add six additional cables to power your hard drives and other peripherals. In addition to those, you can also power an additional two PCI-E video cards.