Testing (continued):
As a second phase of testing, the rise over ambient for all load temperatures from the head-to-head testing conducted for this review were compared to other temperatures recorded recently on the same test system. All of the hardware was the same, as was the testing methodology, with the only significant variable being the ambient temperature.
The table below shows a variety of coolers with the results in red recorded for this review (ambient 25C) and the results in blue recorded at another time (ambient 20C). The Scythe Mine's matching results from different test runs validates the results in my mind, but you can do what you would like with the values shown below.

Looking at a broader spectrum of coolers, it can be seen that the Scythe Infinity wasn't bad, but I was hoping for more given the initial impression I had. It may not be the best, but it definitely is not the worst, especially for a near silent solution.