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ZOOZ ZSE18 Z-Wave Plus Motion Sensor with Magnetic Base
Author: Jason Kohrs
Manufacturer: ZOOZ
Source: The Smartest House
Purchase: The Smartest House
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August 04, 2018

Packaging and Accessories:

The ZOOZ ZSE18 Z-Wave Plus motion sensor with magnetic base is sold in an extremely small box which made me appreciate just how small the sensor inside was going to be. But, the box may be just a bit too small, as in the below right image you can see the top of the box is bulged up. This is because the round dome of the sensor is pressing in to the top of the box. Having a bigger box seems like it would be a good idea to make sure the sensor doesn't get damaged.

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The various panels of the box provide some data about the product inside, but not much, and there are no images on the outside, so it seems that online sales with a detailed web page is the way to go for selling a product like this.

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The below left image shows the sensor facing out the top of the box when you open it, and the below right image shows the balance of accessories found in the box. You get a user's manual, a mounting screw / wall anchor, and an adhesive disk. These accessories made me realize that the sensor does not mount to your surfaces with a magnet, but that it mounts to its removable base with a magnet. You have to mount the base to your surface with the screw or the adhesive disk, and then the sensor will mount to the base magnetically.

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The Basics:

The images below show a top view of the device, where we see the sensor in the middle, and a small hole halfway between the sensor and the outer diameter. This is the indicator LED which lights up on motion or while configuring the device. In the below right image we can see the USB port which can be used to power the device if you don't want to run on just the included battery.

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The below left image shows the sensor placed next to the base. As you can see, there is a screw hole through the middle of the base, to make mounting it with that bit of included hardware fairly easy. Additionally, the back of the base is smooth in order to accept the adhesive disk. The sensor and base come together with some decent force thanks to the magnets, and you are able to adjust the sensor easily given the ball and socket design. Once mounted, it is quite easy to change the angle of view by simply moving the sensor within the mount.

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The above right image shows the device with its cover removed, revealing the internal battery and the one button used for pairing. This part right here may have led to the most difficult part of the installation, but in the end it was rather comical. The instructions tell you to remove the plastic tab from the end of the battery, so the circuit can be completed and you can power up the device. I did that, but I couldn't get the device's light to come on, and I could not get the sensor to pair with SmartThings. I tried about a dozen times, got really close to the hub to make sure distance wasn't the problem, and then went to bend the battery terminals out a bit to make sure they were touching both ends of the battery. It was at that point I saw that not only had there been a plastic tab in there to keep the battery disconnected, but that the battery was shrink wrapped, too. With the shrink wrap removed it paired with SmartThings with ease. Uggh, so the lesson learned is to just check your batteries before getting too frustrated like I did.

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