Removing the main side panel we can see that the interior of the case continues the high quality build. The interior of the case is painted black to match the exterior.
The motherboard tray has several features which immediately stood out. The first feature is the big hole in the motherboard tray which provides access to the back of the motherboard in the area of the CPU. This hole should be large enough to accommodate any motherboard/cooler combination. In the bottom portion of the motherboard tray there is an area with a honeycomb pattern, the opposite side of these holes is where a SSD can be installed. Finally, there are two additional holes so cables can be routed to keep the case tidy.
There are two fans pre-installed in the back and top of the case; both of these will provide plenty of airflow out of the case. The expansion ports are covered with temporary covers which will need to be removed prior to installing the motherboard. Once the motherboard is installed, it will be rather difficult to remove these covers. Zalman did not include any additional covers for when these are removed.
On the back of the motherboard tray there are plenty of places to use the provided cable ties to keep the cables in place. Zalman has already tied all the cables from the front panel in two places, but at least one will need to be removed to use the fan controller connectors.
Previously it was mentioned that there is a place to install a SSD on the motherboard tray. Here is a view from the back side. There are four tabs to secure the SSD to the motherboard tray.