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Sapphire Radeon HD 6670 LP Video Card
Author: Brian Giacoletti
Manufacturer: Sapphire
Source: Sapphire
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January 16, 2012

Packaging and Accessories:

One thing that all manufacturers strive for is to make sure they can attract you attention with their packaging. Below we can see the front of the box of our Sapphire Radeon HD 6670 LP video card. It features a purple and black color scheme and shows us some of the features of the video card.

Review Image

Now moving on to the back. It features the same color scheme as the front and it gives us alot more information about the Sapphire Radeon HD 6670. This could come in very handy if we were at a retail location and we were comparing the video cards we wanted to purchase.

Review Image

Below we get a better look at the bottom of our retail box. Listed here are the specifications of the Sapphire Radeon HD 6670 Graphics Card.

Review Image

Inside the retail packaging is another plain cardboard box. This is the box that actually contains our Sapphire Radeon HD 6670. Once we open the plain cardboard box we can see that it contains our user manuals, as well as the driver disk. But hey... whats that below all of that stuff?

Review Image

Oh look ... it's our Sapphire Radeon HD 6670 video card and the kit to change it from a low profile video card to a standard size video card just in case you do not wish to mount the Sapphire Radeon HD 6670 in a HTPC style case.

Review Image

And last but not least we get a good look at the bundle that comes with our Sapphire Radeon HD 6670. I was actually kind of surprised to see that there were no adapters of any kind included with the Sapphire Radeon HD 6670.

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