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NuBryte Touchpoint Smart Home Solution
Author: Jason Kohrs
Manufacturer: NuBryte
Source: NuBryte
Purchase: Newegg
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December 12, 2016


The NuBryte Touchpoint smart home solution is a very well designed, attractive device that might be the answer for someone looking for a simple way to get in to home automation. It will add a handful of features including control for one or two lights (depending on the model chosen), and the ability to work with other Nubryte panels in your home, if you happen to purchase additional units. This would expand your control of lights to cover different rooms, and create an intercom system that would let you stop yelling through the house!

The device looks really nice when installed, and the whole process of installing it is about the same effort as installing a dimmer switch. If you have the slightest confidence in completing basic home improvement projects, this should be no problem for you. The panel looks good when powered up, too, with nice (adjustable) backlighting and a very wide viewing angle. The lighting controls are by far the best part of the NuBryte device, offering you local and remote access to the connected switch. You can control on/off and dimming with ease, and setup more advanced features like motion sensing control, a night light, and vacation mode with random light actuation.

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Nubryte has promised integration with many other platforms (including Zigbee, Nest thermostat/services, Amazon Alexa, IFTTT, Philips Hue), but they seem to be overdue on delivery of these features. If they could add all of this, and consider adding Z-Wave to future versions, I think they could have a winner on their hands. Until then, it just doesn't do enough for me to get too excited.

The Nubryte single switch unit currently sells for $249 directly from their online shop or Newegg, and the two switch variation is $259 from either supplier. To me, this is the biggest problem with the device. While it wasn't the solution I would want for my home, I could see it working for something like a small apartment at the right price, but $249 is not the right price to me.

For comparison purposes, the original Wink Hub is currently about $55 and the new Wink Hub 2 is about $100. Couple either of these with a Wink Relay that Home Depot now has for $69, and you have the bulk of the features of the Nubryte device for as little as $124. The Wink Hub with the Relay gives you smart control of a 2-gang light switch, time and weather on your wall - all like the Nubryte device - but you also get the expandability to control as many lights, outlets, locks, garage doors, thermostats, motion sensors, alarms, cameras, etc that you could want. You don't get a camera in this half price alternative, but in all fairness, you could add several cameras to your Wink environment and have full control over them, unlike the Nubryte device. For less than the price as the 2-gang NuBryte Touchpoint ($259), you could take the Wink Hub 2 ($99), a Wink Relay ($69), and two more Z-Wave switches ($34 each). You'll have money left over and plenty of choices for devices to grow your smart home environment. As mentioned, Nubryte claims that some "hub" like features are coming to their device, but until then my opinion is the price difference is too large for what you actually can accomplish.


» Device is well designed, attractive, and easy to use
» Installation should be easy enough for most people
» Display is bright, with wide viewing angle and responsive touch screen
» Plenty of lighting control options are a nice touch
» Having weather data on the wall could be very useful
» Mobile app is well laid out and easy to use
» Mobile app control of device is generally very responsive


» Needs capability to control other devices (WiFi, Z-wave, etc) to really be a powerful gadget
» Camera is only accessible during a security event, and even then I never saw anything
» Security feature didn't work as expected
» Keep in mind - any bulb (LED, CFL, incandescent) connected has to be dimmable
» Plenty of claims of integration with other platforms slated for 2016, but nothing yet
» Value

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