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NuBryte Touchpoint Smart Home Solution
Author: Jason Kohrs
Manufacturer: NuBryte
Source: NuBryte
Purchase: Newegg
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December 12, 2016

Mobile App (continued):

The below left image shows the on/off light control I setup for the play area light. Just tap the glowing light in the middle to turn it on/off. Having dimmable bulbs makes the screen more interesting, and you can pinch to dim. The next screen shows that you can get mobile access to your locations climate conditions, much like you get on the actual panel. And if you notice, the various tabs are color coded in the app to match the color coding on the panel. The next image shows the events page, where you can create an event that will then be shared on the Touchpoint.

Review Image Review Image Review Image Review Image

The above right image is our final screenshot to consider. In the previous section of the review you saw that I had trouble with the security mode, as it would begin to alarm at full volume as soon as it was set, and with a good deal of troubleshooting I could not figure out what the issue was. I thought maybe the app would be of some service since that is where the security events are logged and where you should be able to see video clips of the security events. Well, I had nothing in the app. No logs, no videos, and the button that should allow me to activate / deactivate the security feature did nothing. All the noise was too much, so after several attempts to get an expected result from the security feature, I moved on.

Promo Image

Security Feature, Other Thoughts:

OK, so I had issues making the security feature work as expected. But, even if it worked properly I don't think I was going to be overly pleased. Considering there is an HD camera built in to this device, I don't like that it is only (potentially) functional when there is a security event. Most other systems let you look in whenever you want (Dropcam, Nest, Canary, ADT, any IP camera) and I would like to have that here. Maybe make it a secured option in the setup where you have to decide what you want to do, but I would like to be able to use a camera that I owned. The other issue is that the video is all processed in the "cloud". I am not a fan of the cloud and like things to be local, but I'd like to be able to know a bit more about NuBryte's cloud, and I just don't see published data on what they have in place and how robust the security might be.

Another point is something I experienced in one of my attempts to test the security feature... You can just pull the panel off the wall with minimal effort and the alarm stops - and if video was actually being recorded, that stops, too. Say you are a burglar, home invader, some other evil doer - the first thing you will want to do is grab the Touchpoint with one hand and pop it off the wall. No more noise and no more video recording. If there was just a fairly small battery built in to the Touchpoint, the alarm could continue to sound and the video could continue to stream vi WiFi. Even if just for a few minutes, it might be enough to discourage the intruder. With other systems (like Wink), the human interface is not the brains of the device, so disabling the interface does not kill the system. If you rip a Wink Relay of the wall... The Hub will still function, and if necessary any connected cameras, strobes, beacons, and other alarm features will continue to function.

The above is clearly my opinion on the security feature based on my experience with the NuBryte Touchpoint and plenty of other systems and devices. What I see as limitations may be just fine to some users, but it is best to be fully informed.

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