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Master & Dynamic ME01 Earphones
Author: Jason Kohrs
Manufacturer: Master & Dynamic
Source: Master & Dynamic
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October 23, 2016

Packaging and Accessories:

The Master & Dynamic ME01 earphones are sold in the interesting, retail friendly packaging shown below. I say interesting since the design of the box is nothing like anything I have seen before. From the outside it looks like your typical retail box; with a big view of the product on the front and a variety of fine print details on the back. The white outer cover of the box is just a sleeve, and pulling on the black tab seen in the below right image will actually slide out an inner tray with all of the contents. And notice the view of the earphones seen on the back of the box? That is actually a window into the inner tray, and you are seeing the actual earphones... upside down at the bottom of the box.

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The below left image shows this inner tray, flipped right side up so you can see the ME01's neatly coiled around a foam cylinder, and stashed in the open leather carrying case that master & Dynamic has included. The below right image shows the carrying case closed up and ready to protect your new earphones.

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Below we see the ME01's, still mostly wound up around the foam cylinder from their carrying case. You can use this to store your earphones, but you will have to get skilled at putting each earbud back in its cavity properly, and then winding up the cord. Throughout the entire course of the review, just about my only complaint is related to this initial 'unwinding'. It seemed as though the cord was partially stuck to itself in a few spots and it did not come out smoothly. Checking the cord shows it is completely clean and undamaged, but even now (a few weeks later) the cord is still kinked in a few spots; just as it was the day I unwrapped them for the first time. So, that complaint is definitely not earth shattering, but I would like the cord to lay flat in all areas, and it seems it should be able to relax by now.

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The above right image shows some of the other items included in the box... There is a soft pouch that can serve as a much more compact way to carry your ME01's, and inside a cardboard sleeve you will find a rather thick user's guide (printed in multiple languages).

Another accessory includes the "M&D" cable clip shown in the below left image. While this item could be very useful and is a nice add on, since it does not stay permanently connected to the earphone cord I wonder how long it will take to lose it. And in the below right image we see the balance of accessories... a collection of replacement earbuds. You have four sets in all, and there should be a size to fit just about any set of ears!

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The final images in this section take a look at a two side insert found in the box that gives a bit of background information on Master & Dynamic and their products.

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