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Atongm Bluetooth Laser Projection Virtual Keyboard
Author: Richard Jackson
Manufacturer: Atongm
Source: GearBest
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October 29, 2014

In Use:

After the device arrived I let it charge for a while before giving it a go. It claims that it needs to charge for 120 minutes in order to give you 200 minutes of charge. While two hours to charge seems about right, I think it actually runs longer than 3 hours and 20 minutes - based on my usage. After a few seconds it goes to a low power standby mode if it is not in use. This most definitely extends the life of the battery, so unless you are typing for 200 minutes straight (doesn't sound like fun), you can expect the battery to last well beyond this value.

The image below shows a picture of the keyboard while in use on my wooden desk. The layout isn't quite your standard QWERTY design, but all the main keys are in their normal positions. While trivial, the main thing I can't figure out is why is the K key italicized?!? The overall size is fairly compact, but I found that I could find the keys by memory fairly well, even though I typically use a much larger keyboard 99.9% of the time.

Review Image

The promotional image below shows the device and its projected keyboard to provide a rough sense of space required. You'll need to set this up on your work surface so that it projects toward you in an ergonomic position for typing. This is much easier to do with a desktop system, as when you are using a tablet (for instance) you pretty much need to have the keyboard projector next to the tablet. Then, you're either aiming the keyboard projection diagonally out in front of the tablet in order to center yourself (but forcing you to twist your hands), or your typing off to one side of the tablet in order to keep your hands straight.

Promo Image

When first powered up the keyboard beeps with every key press. While this is great for confirming that it registered your key click, it gets annoying quickly. Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep - Ahhhh! Using the FN key plus the left arrow will lower the beep volume, while Fn plus the right arrow key will increase the beep volume. If you don't want it to beep at all, simply press the Fn key plus the P key to mute it.

I then went about trying to use this device as I would any other more traditional keyboard. I was very surprised at how accurately it registered my clicks, and with how well it was able to keep up with me. I am by no means a speed typer, but it did not miss a beat, and the only mistakes it ever registered were all my own fault (and would have been mistakes on any keyboard.

I tried making videos of me using the device, but they came out awful. You either see nothing or just the back of my hands while I tried to show how it is to use this thing. Instead - here is a video that can also be found on

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