Testing (continued):
CrystalDisk Mark 2.2:
Five runs of CrystalDiskMark 2.2 were performed and the averages were calculated. The tests were comprised of sequential read and write tests, as well as 512K block read and write tests. In each of these tests, a higher score is better.
In sequential read testing, the MUKii 2.5" U3 enclosure outperformed the Ineo I-NA215U Plus enclosure by 2.2MB/s, while the Seagate Black Armor PS110 was 0.3MB/s faster. The I-NA215U Plus was once again faster than Thermaltakes BlacX 5G Dock.
The sequential write test came out a little different, with the Seagate Black Armor PS110 outperforming the other drives by a slim margin. However, the results all came out close with only a 4MB/s difference between the fastest and the slowest results.
With only 1MB/s separating the I-NA215U Plus enclosure, the MUKii 2.5" U3, and the Thermaltake BlacX 5G Dock there isn't much difference in 512K read testing. However, in this test the Seagate BlacX Armor PS110 was the slowest by over 10MB/s than the Ineo NA215U Plus.
The final test is for 512K writes, and as expected most of the scores are fairly close. The MUKii U3 and Seagate Black Armor PS110 lead the pack, with the Ineo I-NA215U Plus about 3MB/s slower than both of those devices.