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Kingston HyperX 3K 240GB Solid State Drive
Author: Jason Kohrs
Manufacturer: Kingston
Source: Kingston
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June 21, 2012

Testing (continued):

ATTO Disk Benchmark v2.41:

ATTO Disk Benchmark v2.41 was the second program used to compare the performance of the solid state drives on hand. The test was run in a fairly standard configuration using a transfer size from 0.5 to 8192KB, a total length of 256MB, and a queue depth of 10. Read and write results are provided in terms of MB/s, and higher is better. Of all the results provided in this test, we will take a look at those for 64KB reads/writes and 8MB reads/writes.

64KB reads have the HyperX 3K drive hitting almost 500MB/s.

While 64KB writes show it hitting just over 470MB/s.

When you get up to 8MB reads, things get interesting. The HyperX 3K drive gets within a few MB/s of the published specification by hitting 552MB/s.

And with 8MB writes the HyperX 3K drive manages to exceed its published specification and hit 519MB/s.

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