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G.Skill Sniper 8GB 1600MHz DDR3 Memory Kit
Author: Steven Kean
Manufacturer: G.Skill
Source: G.Skill
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May 10, 2011

Testing (continued):

Passmark Performance Test 7.0 64-Bit:

PassMark's Performance Test includes five memory tests as well as an overall composite score. The memory tests are measured in terms of MB/s with a higher score being better. The composite score is shown in unitless Marks, and higher is also better.

The first test focuses on the amount of memory available, and since each of the test kits were 8GB in size, the scores should be similar. The two 1600MHz kits were close, however the 1333MHz Samsung memory fell behind.

Passmark's "Memory Read - Uncached" results show the G.Skill Sniper memory pushing past the PNY XLR8 kits by less than 10MB/s.

The "Memory Read - Cached" test provided similar results to the "Memory Read - Uncached" test with the G.Skill Sniper memory being the fastest. The generic Samsung memory was about 100MB/s slower than the Sniper kit.

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