According to the Synology Quick Start Guide, they recommend you download the DS finder app from your respective store to set up the device. I gave this a shot and couldn’t get it to work. I even tried moving the DS1019+ to a dedicated network but still it failed to find the NAS. So I decided to set up the device using a browser and typing in Immediately after doing this it found my older DiskStation and the new DS1019+. Simply select the DiskStation you added and click connect.
From here it will walk you through a few quick steps to get you basic functionality. You will pick your server name, admin credentials, choose DSM update preferences, set up QuickConnect and you are set.
After that you can log into the DSM software. More than likely you will see that updates are needed, in my case DSM 6.2 was ready. As with all versions of DSM I have used it is very intuitive and easy to navigate. So when you see the red number on an icon it is your alert to see what the notification(s) is for. Then you simply click a few times and the DiskStation will take care of the rest. Overall Synology does a great job with updates for DSM. My older Synology is still regularly getting updates as you will see later.