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Cougar 600M Laser Gaming Mouse
Author: Richard Jackson
Manufacturer: Cougar
Source: Cougar
Purchase: Comparison Shop
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January 06, 2015

The Basics:

The 600M includes all of the physical features you may be looking for in a gaming mouse. The body is contoured for a comfortable grip, there are a variety of programmable buttons, DPI settings are indicated on the left mouse button, and the braided USB cable gives it a nice, finished look.

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The entire body is plastic, and the surfaces have a slightly rubbery feel that help you to keep a grip on the mouse. I was immediately concerned about the color and texture of the mouse being likely to get dirty, and I was right. Within 2 weeks the left side of the palm rest was discolored, and I can't seem to get it clean with any of the mild approaches I have tried so far. I typically use a dark colored mouse, and now I have a nother good reason to do so. I don't even know what I did to get it dirty, as I am fairly serious about keeping my hands and equipment clean.

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The top of the mouse features the typical left and right buttons, as well as a scroll wheel right in the middle. Directly behind the scroll wheel are two buttons which allow for on the fly DPI adjustment that can be cutomized within the software utility. The four hash marks on the left button light up to indicate which DPI setting you have chosen. Additionally, the edge of the left mouse button also lights up, and this can be customized to any of the 16.8 illion colors available in the software. The left side also features the 45 degree sniper button, which I feel is perfectly placed for easy access, while not being too easy to press so as to avoid inadvertent clicks. The two buttons on this side of the mouse are also easy to access, but aren't so easy to push that you are constantly going forward or backward on web pages. With so many mice that feature these buttons, I wind up removing the program from them as I am constantly clicking them by accident and doing something I don't want to... But not with this one. Most of the interesting bits are on the left side, but we can see the right side in the below right image.

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The next two images just provide a slightly different view of the 600M from above. The body has a rather traditional shape, and I found the contours to be very comfortable with my rather average sized hands.

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The below left image shows the body of the mouse where you can see the tracking mechanism, as well as the fact that there is more gliding surface than on a typical mouse. Instead of 4 raised 'dots' for gliding, here we have large strips of low friction material to help you mouse glide around easily. I found the motion to be very smooth, and that the entire thing was very sturdy and stable. Many mice recently have seemed just a bit uneven or wobbly, so this one felt really good. The final image in this section shows the end of the braided USB cable where we can see the gold plated USB connector. Not too exciting, but they did do a nice job with all the details on this mouse.

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