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Cooler Master CM Storm Trigger Gaming Keyboard
Author: Jason Kohrs
Manufacturer: Cooler Master
Source: Cooler Master
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September 07, 2012


Like many other serious gaming keyboards - software is required to take advantage of all the features and customizations available. The Trigger's application installed as expected and without issue, and once launched it opened to the interface shown below. You get an overview of the keyboard's actual layout, and you can mouse over keys to see what they currently do, and options available to you for customization. Along the top of the application you see three tabs - one for the configuration (main) screen, one for the profiles page, and one for the macro studio. The profile page lets you create/edit profiles for use with different games/programs, while the macro studio lets you set up the functionality of the macro buttons. Along the bottom of the application we see five buttons for the launching of profiles.

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The next screenshot shows the profiles page, where you can see the separation of profiles that can be created on the keyboard's memory and those created on the system itself. The process of creating a profile is fairly straightforward, and mostly involves taking the time to work your way through exactly what you would like.

Review Image

The next screenshot is from the configuration screen again, this time with the W key highlighted in order to toggle the "Assign Function" area to demonstrate how each key can be configured. As you can see, there are options tagged: Default Key, Single Key, Macro, Advanced, No Function, and Launch Program. As shown, it is only being used as a default key. Another thing visible from this screenshot is that you can assign images to the 5 profile launcher buttons. While this is cool if you want to assign imagery from a game to the profile that it corresponds with, the downside is that the application can only use BMP files. While it would only take a little extra effort to convert from a more popular format to BMP on your own, I'd say supporting JPG, GIF, or PNG would make this feature much more convenient.

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