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Canary Wireless All-In-One Home Security System
Author: Jason Kohrs
Manufacturer: Canary
Source: Canary
Purchase: Canary Store
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September 17, 2015

In Use (continued):

We'll continue to look at screens from within the app, starting with some of the features we just mentioned from the main page. The below left image shows what you get when you click the shield like icon near the bottom of the screen. Here you can details on the three modes of operation, which can be selected manually at any time regardless of geo-fencing status or schedule. The below right image shows what you get when you click your user icon... It confirms whether you are at the Canary's location or not, and gives you access to your full profile.

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The next three screen shots are from the screen that covers environmental monitoring. Three graphs are provided on one page and you can scroll up or down to see your temperature, humidity, and air quality data. I don't have a smart thermostat in my home, but data like this for temperature and humidity could be useful for me to make manual changes to my schedule. It is also clearly useful to identify problems, such as a sudden surge in temperature, which could indicate a fire. The air quality data is also very interesting, and I am glad to see that it is consistently "normal", although you have no details as to what specifically may be going on with the peaks and valleys on the chart. For the chart below, it is somewhat funny to note that the two peaks in air quality were at times when I was interacting with the device... I swear, I am not that unpleasant. Another cool test with the air quality monitor was to place it near areas where I wonder about the air quality. For example, I placed it in the basement next to the propane fired furnace and water heater and was happy to see nothing out of the ordinary, which gives me more confidence in the CO2 / gas monitor in the room.

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Clicking the three horizontal stripes at the top of the main page leads to the detailed menus for configuring your device(s) and account. The below left image shows options for changing your plan, address of the location, members phones to be considered, and devices present. Based on address, the device also automatically grabs the appropriate emergency numbers to be called in case of a problem. You can manually change these numbers, but for me, the Canary grabbed the right ones on its own. The middle screenshot below shows confirmation that I was on the starter plan, which is free and includes 12 hours of recording and 5 video bookmarks to be saved. The below right image shows the mode screen, where you can configure the automatic switching based on your presence at the location, and what the device should do when you are home. Disarmed lets it continue to record without alerts, while privacy turns off recording.

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The below right screen shows the devices associated with this location, and selecting either device will lead to settings specific to that Canary. You are allowed up to four Canaries per location. The below right screen shows the members associated with the Canary's at this location. I am the only member, but in normal usage it would be best to have everyone with a phone registered to the devices so it could track who was home / away. I might suggest changing "everyone" to every adult, but that is just my opinion.

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