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August Smart Lock with HomeKit
Author: Bill Lepse
Manufacturer: August
Source: August
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October 09, 2017


Once you have the lock paired and mounted you are basically done and the testing can begin. I installed this at my parent's home where their front door is on the first floor, but the main living area is on the second. Now that they are getting older it was getting harder for them to take the stairs several times a day when people would come by. So this was my solution for them. As it turned out - it was a pretty good one. Using an old android phone I had, we set them up with the app and I found the range to be acceptable but not great. But knowing the limitation they can easily find several places for the phone within 30-40 feet to ensure a good connection. The app is really intuitive and makes operation for my octogenarian parents a non-issue. As you can see in the screen captures below, the app is well laid out and very clear, no small text to read, and they can simply look at the circle and know if it is locked or not.

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As you can see in the capture above there is a Menu button in the top left. This give you access to your account details, Active Monitoring, August Access, Help, Send Feedback, and Set up a New Device. The Active Monitoring is designed to be used with the August Doorbell Cam. August Access allows you to link your lock to other services of which there are quite a few.

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For each device the app has four tabs for you to select along the top. Starting from the left you have your Device screen, then Activity list, then Guest list, and finally Settings. Under Activities, you can also see a full list of activities. Who did what and when, including manual operation. Again I wasn't sure how useful this would be, but I can see where this would be good to track your kids in and out, or making sure the dog walker actually came. As mentioned above, the photo you used during setup is displayed here.

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Under Guests you can see who has access to your lock and adjust their permissions, if you are the owner. You can also add guests so long as you are an authorized owner. You can add people from your contacts list or someone new. Then you simply choose access level and schedule. Under level you have guest, owner and none. Guest allows you to lock and unlock, owner gives you full control and none, well that gives you nothing.

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Under scheduling you can choose always, set a recurring time or for a temporary time period. Initially I thought the temporary was really geared to those of you who Airbnb their place but then I thought of things like a dog walker when you go on vacation and realized it could be quite helpful.

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The Settings tab allows you to change the house name, edit owners and adjust lock settings. Here you can turn on the auto-lock/unlock feature, turn sounds on and off as wells as set smart alerts.

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