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Xclio 3060 Plus ATX Case with 36cm Fan
Author: Hellfire
Manufacturer: Xclio
Source: Xclio
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Xclio 3060 Plus ATX Case with 36cm Fan
August 14, 2007

Internal Examination:

The interior of the case looks familiar, and there is nothing unusual here. I immediately noticed there are no tool-less features in this case, and everything will need to be secured by screws. Xclio does list tool-less clips as an option, however they were not included with my sample.

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The below left image shows that we are reaching the limit on the size of the fan that can be installed on the side panel. The 36cm fan doesn't leave much room on the sides for steel to support it.

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The fan is powered using a two wire connector to a standard 4-pin Molex plug. Taking a closer look at the fan, I found five LEDs surrounding the center hub of the fan. With a fan as large as this, I'm happy to see a fan grill was included.

Taking a look at the back panel we find the usual suspects. On the left side there are seven expansion slots, and once again these are not tool-less. Above the expansion slots are punch outs to install serial or parallel ports (old school). Next to the expansion slots, and above the I/O panel opening, there is a large perforated area for fans. You can install either two 80mm fans, one 92mm fan, or one 120mm fan.

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Moving to the front of the case, we find the drive bays. At the top are the 5.25" drive bays, each of which support a tool-less installation system, but we will have to use screws to install the drives. The 3.5" drive bays are similar to the 5.25" drive bays, and are located just below them.

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In front of the 3.5" drive bays is an area where you can install some intake fans. Your choices are four 80mm, one 92mm, or one 120mm fan. It is best to install the fans prior to installing any 3.5" devices.

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