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Tuniq Potency 650W Power Supply
Author: Jason Kohrs
Manufacturer: Tuniq
Source: Tuniq
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Tuniq Potency 650W Power Supply
February 18, 2009

Testing (continued):

The third chart shows the regulation on the 3.3V rail, and unfortunately numerous units locked in at 3.36V and you can not see the line for the Tuniq unit except at the beginning and the end. The results were well within specification, and the regulation was very tight, so there isn't anything to complain about here.

Overall the Tuniq Potency 650W unit did not do poorly. The values it put up were not the best, but the results were all within +/- 5% of specification, and the regulation was respectable.

I was concerned that two PCI Express cards on one lead might be a problem during testing, but with the two Radeon 3870 cards and the one Radeon 4850 card, everything was just fine. As a secondary test, I decided to up the ante a bit, and went with a configuration using a Radeon HD4850 X2 in CrossFire with the single GPU Radeon 4850. The system booted and even let me start to stress test, but as soon as the Seasonic loader was added it was lights out! The power cycled and I tried once more with the same result.

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