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Tuniq Potency 650W Power Supply
Author: Jason Kohrs
Manufacturer: Tuniq
Source: Tuniq
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Tuniq Potency 650W Power Supply
February 18, 2009

Testing (continued):

The first chart shows the regulation on the 12V rail, where it can be seen that the Tuniq Potency started around 12.23V at idle and hit a maximum of 12.36 under load. The PC Power & Cooling offers the tightest regulation and is the closest to specification, and most of the others look way off in comparison.

The second chart shows the regulation on the 5V rail, and that the Tuniq Potency started below 5V at idle (4.95-4.96V) and dropped to 4.91V under load. The regulation is good, but the rail should be a little stronger in my opinion.

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