Sumo Lounge SumoSac Sultan Beanbag Chair
If you are anything like me, you are now looking at this and thinking... “What am I supposed to do?” Unfortunately Sumo Lounge did not include any instructions in the package, but if you head over to their website you will find their 9-step "Sac Instructions" to start you on the road to your new sedentary lifestyle:
Step 1: Open the duffel by carefully cutting down the side from the opening at the top. This requires some muscle. This will open the sac vertically. Discard the duffel.
Step 2: Take your SumoSac out of the plastic bag. The cover will be inside folded neatly.
Step 3: Break up large pieces of foam without opening the zipper (if you do, foam will be EVERYWHERE) on the insert. This requires some muscle.
Step 4: Let your SumoSac sit at least 24 hours in a warm place to get the foam to expand.
Step 5: Fluff again without opening the insert zipper (NEVER OPEN THE INSERT ZIPPER!)
Step 6: Fluff some more
Step 7: Fluff until all foam is broken up to desired comfort.
Step 8: Wrap insert with cover and zip to close.
Step 9: Enjoy :)
I’m sure you all noticed step 5: NEVER OPEN THE INSERT ZIPPER! To that all I can say is... "HA"! While you shouldn’t do this, I’m a professional (at what is still to be determined). Let’s take a look at the pretty colored foam inside the insert...
Foam! Multi-colored, gets all over the house foam. So follow their advice, don’t open it!
To complete the assembly, just stuff the bag of foam into the cover and zip it shut. The foam should still be compressed from shipping, so it should fit in there easily.