Testing (continued):
Call of Juarez:
Call of Juarez is yet another fast paced 3D game that offers a benchmark for analyzing DirectX 10 performance. The results are provided in terms of minimum, maximum, and average frame rate values, and higher values are better. The results below were achieved with the system set to a resolution of 1280x1024, with 4x anti-aliasing, and with high settings.

The Toxic HD4850 manages to put up the best minimum frame rate value, and the average and maximum values aren't bad at all; trailing behind only the HD4870.
Track Mania Nations Forever:
Track Mania Nations Forever is a 3D car racing game with its own built-in benchmark (DirectX 9.0c capable). The average frame rate results below were achieved with a resolution of 1280x1024, 8x anti-aliasing, 8x anisotropic filtering, and high settings (higher is better).

With the settings turned up this game can make a video card work, and it produces some pretty nice graphics in the process. The HD4850 was able to put up just over 61 frames per second, which may be third best, but it looked great.