Logisys PC Extension Station
Set Up:
The Logisys Desktop Extension Station is such a simple device to set up that it seems self explanatory, and there isn't even an instruction manual included. That being said, I managed to run into several issues. The first issue was not really the fault of the Desktop Extension Station, but of both my computer desks. The Desktop Extension Station measures 21.25" across the front, and both the monitor wells in my desks were too small to accommodate it, so off to a table top to set it up.
The next issue was one of how much weight the Desktop Extension Station could support, 42 pounds is the limit and my 19" monitor weighs considerably more. It was able to support a 17" CRT monitor, and I would consider this the biggest CRT you can use on top of the Desktop Extension Station. In all fairness, it was designed with the use of a much lighter LCD monitor in mind.

The last issue I had with the Desktop Extension Station is the A/C sockets on the back side of the unit will not stay in place. Almost every time you unplug a cord from them (unless you use one hand to hold the socket in place) it pulls out of the unit. Then to make matters worse every time a socket pulls out of the unit, inevitably it pulls the spade wire connector off of either the socket or the corresponding switch on the front of the unit. So far I have had to pull the bottom off of the unit three times to reconnect wires because of this.

Once all the A/C cords are set up all that is left is to connect the USB cord on the Desktop Extension Station to an open USB port on your computer and you are ready to go. The 4 USB ports worked as they should.
Unfortunately I had no extra 3.5" or 5.25" drives to try in the Desktop Extension Station but I see no reason why they should not function without issue, provided the 5.25" drawer does not fall apart and need further repair.