Using the Corsair Flash Padlock 2GB USB Drive with any modern system is as easy as plugging it in. The operating system should recognize it and install a drive letter allowing access to the storage space, just like any other flash drive on the market.

When it is installed you'll see a green "unlock" button light up, and when accessing the drive a small purple/blue Corsair button on the bottom will flash.
So, how is the performance? Let's get an overview by testing the drive with Simpli Software's HD Tach RW HD Tach is a benchmark dedicated to drive performance, and the chart below details the reported CPU usage, access time, average read speed, and burst speed. Lower values are desirable for CPU usage and access time, while higher values are better for average read speed and burst speed.

For comparison purposes I ran the same test on another 2GB flash drive, the Sony Microvault, and as you can see its performance wasn't as good the Flash Padlock's. The Flash Padlock was capable of an average read speed of 20.9 MB/s and a burst speed of 22.6 MB/s, while the Sony Microvault was only capable of a 14.2 MB/s average read speed and burst speed.
Great! The drive performs as well as you would expect a Corsair product to: quickly, easily, and reliably. Now let's get into the Padlock's security features.