The Basics:
Included with the NewerTech USB 2.0 Universal Drive Adapter are a power supply, 4-pin Molex power connector to SATA power connector, and a standard SATA data cable.

The USB 2.0 Universal Drive Adapter should be fairly simple to figure out for someone who has seen a bare 2.5" or 3.5" IDE or SATA hard drive. On the top of the adapter you can see the SATA connector. In the below left image the 3.5" IDE connector is visible at the bottom of the adapter. In the below right image is the 2.5" IDE connector, which is on the opposite side of the 3.5" connector.

Installation and Operation:
Using the USB 2.0 Universal Drive Adapter is very easy. The easiest hard drive to connect is the 2.5" IDE hard drive, because it does not need its own power connection; it gets powered via the USB connection. Just connect the hard drive to the proper side of the adapter and plug the USB connector into an open port.

Connecting a 3.5" IDE hard drive is a little different since it needs its own power. To use the adapter for a 3.5" IDE drive, connect it to the other side of the adapter, connect the Molex power connector, and plug the power supply into an outlet. Then, as with the 2.5" drive, connect the USB end of the adapter into an open port.

For a 2.5" or 3.5" SATA hard drive, connect the red SATA data cable from the drive to the adapter, then connect the IDE to SATA power converter cable to the SATA drive and power supply, and finally connect the USB end to the computer.
