Lian Li PC-A77B Full Tower Chassis
The Interior:
Each side panel of the Lian Li PC-A77B full tower chassis comes off easily after removing three thumbscrews on each. As you can see in the image below, the interior is all aluminum. Something of interest is the vertical support bar in the middle of the case; it's for added stability for long video cards that might need some extra support.

The upper rear section of the case has some features that are different from a typical case. In the below left image you can see a hard drive cage located where you might usually find a power supply. You can actually configure this area for a power supply or hard drives. You could also remove the cage and use two power supplies to provide redundant power to your computer. Below the power supply area is a removable motherboard tray which is secured with a thumbscrew in the back. There is also a 120mm fan in the rear for exhaust and some nice looking vented expansion slot covers.

If you like your power supply on the bottom, there is a spot for it; shown in the above right image. The power supply would be raised off the aluminum case, which will help airflow and reduce any noise from vibration. Here you can also see the vertical support bar a little better; it can be used in three positions in the case to suit a variety of card lengths.
In the below left image you can see the two other hard drive cages. Each cage holds three 3.5" hard drives, and has a 120mm fan built in for air intake. The below right image shows the last area of the interior, the 5.25" device bays. Unfortunately none of them are tool-less; any device you put into a bay will require a screwdriver and some screws to secure it to the case.
