Testing (continued):
World in Conflict:
World in Conflict's integrated performance benchmark was excuted with a resolution of 1680x1050, and with settings on high. The benchmark provides results in terms of a minimum, maximum, and average frame rate value, and higher is better for all three. The chart below reveals that the HD4850 X2 may be able to surge to a higher maximum value, but in terms of minimum and average frame rates, the three cards are all comparable.

PT Boats - Knights of the Sea:
The performance benchmark provided with PT Boats - Knights of the Sea was executed at a resolution of 1680x1050, with 8x AA, and with the settings on high. This benchmark also provides results in terms of a minimum, maximum, and average frame rate value, and higher is better for all three. Here we see a greater distribution of results, with the GTX260 EXTREME+ clearly finishing in the middle of the single GPU HD4850 and the dual GPU HD4850X2.
