Software (continued):
After the installation was completed on four different systems, with four different monitors, I received the error shown below. Even with these issues and error, the software eventually installed properly and was functional.

With the software installed, it is time to configure exactly what we want to back-up. There are four very simple menus to navigate. The first is the "Quick-Launch" menu that allows the back-up process to be started manually.

The second menu is where the files to be backed up are selected. Similar to Windows Explorer, simply navigate through your drives on the left hand side, selecting what you want to be backed-up. The right hand side will allow you to choose where it will be backed-up to. At the bottom of this screen you can also select to begin the back-up process, or restore files.

The third menu option is a simple file explorer that operates just like Windows Explorer, allowing you to see two different directory structures. The final menu gives you a chance to configure your preferences. A hot key can be configured to perform the back-up (Ctrl+Alt+F is the default), and you can choose to either add files to the current back-up, or delete the current back-up and replace it. Finally there are settings to determine how the software acts.
