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Ultra Products 2GB Hydra MP3 Player
Author: Hellfire
Manufacturer: Ultra Products
Source: Ultra Products
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Ultra Products 2GB Hydra MP3 Player
March 02, 2007

The Basics:

The Hydra received for review is obviously orange, and if you do not care for this color it is also available in black, yellow, and pink.

The top of the player has a small LCD screen, as well as the Play/Pause button. There is a also a string that loops around the player that can be used to secure the player or to hang it from a hook. Picking up the player reveals that it has a rubbery feel to it and sufficient weight so that it does not feel cheap; while not being so heavy that it would weigh you down.

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On the left hand side of the player there is a headphone jack, which is next to the Play/Pause button and directly above a hole for use with a lariat. Moving to the side of the player we find the majority of the buttons (A-B/Record, Menu, Previous, and Next). The buttons are easy to push, but do require a little pressure. This is good as it avoids inadvertent presses while doing other things. All of the buttons have a rubbery feel to them which matches the player.

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Turning to the bottom left side we have the data port which connects to your computer through the supplied USB cable. I would have preferred for the player to have a standard mini-USB port. Also, I was disappointed to see that there is no cover for the USB port, especially since the player is "Splash Resistant". Next to the USB port is the volume selector, and a bit further down the side of the player is the microphone.

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The bottom of the player is pretty plain and is where the single AAA battery will be installed. To the side of the battery slot is the previously mentioned lariat hole.

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