Testing (continued):
Everest Ultimate Edition 4.20:
The memory benchmark results for Everest Ultimate Edition just look ugly. Strong write speeds, slow read and copy speeds, and just plain sad latencies. The problem here is that despite having some nice PC2-6400 DDR2 with 4-4-4-12 timings, the system defaults to PC2-5300 speeds with 15-15-15-63 timings. Even when manually overclocked to 800MHz, the timings are still terrible and the benchmark results reflect that. What we have is great memory simply going to waste.
PCMark Vantage:
The whole PCMark Vantage suite was executed at default speeds and while overclocked, and we see the differences below. Things like the total score, hard drive score, music score, and productivity score look good compared to tests I have run on other systems, while things like the gaming score and memories score leave something to be desired.