PCI Cooling Booster:
The next two images provide a look at the PCI Cooling Booster's packaging. Again, what you see is what you get, as the cooler is in plain site with nothing else included but the illustrated cardboard insert.

The next image takes a look at the PCI Cooling Booster from above, and it is immediately obvious that these two devices are related. The share the same basic style, from the aluminum frame, to the fan guard, to the 3-pin power plug minus the RPM sensing lead.

In the side view shown below, it is more obvious that this cooler's fan is held on by double sided tape, as it is an off-white color instead of the clear adhesive used on the RAM Fan. This cooler also seems to be securely attached to the fan, but mechanical fasteners would be more to my liking.

The PCI Cooling Booster attaches to your system's expansion slots thanks to a pair of stacked thumbscrews. While it may be possible to use just one thumbscrew per corner, having them nest together allows for extra clearance over taller graphics cards or other system features.

The two items seem to be made to work with each other, and if you are familiar with the rest of the CoolIT Systems product line you will notice that they all have similar physical styles while providing cooling to different system components. Creating a themed system visible through a case window could be easy with a collection of their items, now let's see if they are worth adding based on their actual use.