ATP Electronics ToughDrive and Petito Flash Drives
Testing (continued):
ToughDrive Mini Additional Testing:
The ToughDrive Mini is advertised as being "Tough & Highly Durable" thanks to the synthetic polymer shell. We put this drive to the test to see just how tough and just how water resistant it really was.
The first "ToughDrive" test consisted of "forgetting" it in a pocket and running it through a washer and dryer. This was done on a commercial washer and dryer at a local laundry mat. The drive was run through a wash and high heat dry cycle six times! Between each test, HD Tune was run to see if there was any performance loss.
On the way home, the ToughDrive was dropped on to concrete and was run over several times by a 2006 Chevy HHR. HD Tune was run again to ensure the drive was operational.
Next the water resistance was tested. The ToughDrive Mini was dropped into a little container of water and left there for 12 hours.

After drying and testing the ToughDrive Mini, one final test was performed. In the same container of water, the ToughDrive Mini was frozen into a block of ice! A local meat locker provided the deep freezing temperatures, which was much colder than a standard household freezer. The ToughDrive Mini was left in the commercial grade freezer for over 24 hours. Once again, I took the flash drive out of the ice, and performed another test with HD Tune to confirm that is still functioned properly.
