Installing hard drives is nice with this case. Even if your system is completely installed and setup, you won’t be hindered trying to access anything. I installed some hard drives quickly without even taking the right side panel off, which does house a sliding panel to allow access to the rear of the hard drive cage. I removed the cage, slid out the HD trays, and then slid the hard drives in (I fastened them with screws here, but it was not necessary). Then attach the power and data transfer cables (IDE in this instance) then slide your cage back in. No need to even remove the side panel. There is plenty of space where the cables get pushed in behind the cage, too. On the larger Thermaltake Armor+ VH6000BWS, it was cramped, but here the recess is a little deeper.

Slap in a heat sink, plug in some power cables, and throw in a few SATA cables for good measure. Now you have a gross estimate of how much space you might have in your system if you went with this case. You probably won’t have IDE cables. I used both here, and if I had gone with all SATA I would have even more space. I just wanted to make sure that the ribbon wasn’t cumbersome to work with under or through the HDD cage or anything. It went easily, and if you leave a hard drive slot empty, you can pull all the slack back and stuff it in there.

The three fans that come with the case work very well together. Of course, more is almost always better, and you do have some room to expand here. Going nuts with high displacement fans is not really an option here, as you are limited to installing a fan in the removable storage tray, or fitting some fans in the 5.25” bays, if they don’t need to be occupied by something else.
