Scythe Infinity Heatpipe CPU Cooler
You can count on Scythe to pack about as much information on to their packaging as is physically possible. Although a good deal of it is in Japanese, there is enough information in English to provide a great idea of what the Scythe Infinity is all about.

The Basics:
Out of the box, I noticed two things that immediately set the Infinity apart from other heatpipe coolers I have used. The first was the relatively wide spacing between the aluminum fins. If you look closely you will see that there are two types of fins... Small ones that project out away from either set of the heatpipes, and longer ones that span between the two sets of heapipes. It just seems like a good deal of open air in the middle that could be put to better use with more fins. The second thing I noticed was the total count on the heatpipes. There are a total of 5 U-shaped copper pipes, which results in 10 pipes passing through the aluminum fins. Many coolers have 4 sets of pipes, so I am hopeful that another set can only lead to good things on the thermal performance end of things!

The images above also show an additional bit that could aid in the cooling. The base is not a simple block, but has an array of its own aluminum fins on top to draw even more heat away from your processor.
The top of the cooler is shown below, where you can get a better idea of what I meant about the two sizes of aluminum fins. The one stamped with the Scythe logo would be one of the larger ones that spans the distance between the two sets of heatpipes. At the left and right edges you can see a pair of smaller fins projecting out that don't go much beyond the heatpipes.
